Power skating - Players will learn proper skating technique, balance, edge work, backwards skating, stops and starts, age specific drills to maximize results.
Puck Skill Development – Players will learn how to carry the puck, how to stickhandle and control the puck, agility skating with the puck.
Station Work – Players will learn proper shooting technique, passing technique, agility skating with the puck, power turns, stops and starts, deking with stickhandling triangles, crossovers. Players will be grouped by skill level for station work.
Power skating – Players will learn proper skating technique, balance, edge work, backwards skating, crossovers, agility, pivoting, quick starts and acceleration, age specific drills to maximize results.
The game of hockey has really improved in the area of agility and speed, therefore, our goal is to break specific skills down into sub skills so players are able to understand how to maximize their stride and becom faster and more agile.
Puck Skill Development – Players will learn how to create optimal speed when carrying the puck, basic and creative stickhandling, fake forehand and backhand, escape moves, agility skating with the puck, drills to enhance top hand turning, bottom handling sliding on stick.
Station Work – Players will learn proper shooting technique, accuracy and power, passing technique, control and accuracy, power turns, stops and starts, deking, escape moves with stickhandling triangles, crossovers, puck protection, and skills needed to win one – on – one battles. Players will be grouped by skill level for station work..
**All-star Game, last session of last day.** Players will be grouped by skill level for station work.
Our cooperative games are LOADS OF FUN! We offer a variety of activities including:
The instructors will emphasize the principles of hard work, discipline, sacrifice and commitment. The players will be involved in various conditioning, speed, agility, acceleration, and power activities that are sport specific. The activities will help develop core stability, explosive power for acceleration, conditioning, mobility, stamina, and flexibility.
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